Contact Information

Mobil phone: +421 910 585 432

Tel: +421 / 44 5541295


Vila Viktoria, ul. Obchodná 235


031 01 Liptovský Mikuláš


N 49.060533

N  49°  3' 37.9074"

E 19.583333

E  19° 34' 59.9982"

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To make your orientation easier here are the instructions how to get to Villa Viktoria: You reach the roundabout by Liptovský Mikuláš while getting off the D1 highway. You have to turn to the direction Demanovská Dolina (Jasná). After two km you reach the village Demanova. 200 meters after the bus – stop turn right and after that turn right once again.

Distance availability

Within a radius of 400 meters, there are several restaurants with a daily menu, groceries, a wellness area, a bus stop (Skibus), and ski and bicycle rentals. Within 3km there is a city center, shopping centers (Kaufland, Tesco, Billa, McDonald's), Billiards, Bowling Fitness centers, swimming pool, and more.

Operator address

Erika Devečková

Glejárska 7

031 01

Liptovský Mikuláš



© 2020 Vila Viktoria

CREATED by Bizarrepublic and supported by Forest Skis